a.k.a The little sumo

Friday, February 24, 2006

The stairs

So, as you can see, the gates are up. Though it doesn't stop me from going up and down still, if I wanted to. There are too many stairs, and only 1 gate! Daddy let me climb up two whole flights of stairs yesterday, and I only stopped for one rest. He didn't even have to be there, I didn't even look like I was falling - not even close - but he kept following me. Maybe he likes climbing stairs too?
On another expedition of stair climbing, I wanted to turn around to go back down but mummy wouldn't let me, she kept saying "no Sophia, do it like this", and she kept turning me back around. It was most confusing, as if she turns me around, i just start climbing again, but there were no more steps to go up? I don't think she understood that?


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