a.k.a The little sumo

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mucking about at home

Oh it's such an effort to stand, my hair's all mussed up, my knees are crumbling at the weight of my tummy .. it's not my best look but the pressure to keep up with the other babies my age!!!

Then this new toy rolls forward, what am I suppose to do, best to sit and let mummy and daddy sort it out.

What?! One second please, I am packing my handbag that my great grandmother gave me for Christmas. My mummy says that I can have my own credit cards soon (though daddy didn't seem to like this suggestion - not sure what the problem would be).

OK daddy, ready ready ready! Let's go shopping, my handbag's all packed and mummy and I are ready to go spending! C'mon daddy, put down the remote control! Surely the cricket's over already??


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