a.k.a The little sumo

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A week in New York - Part III

Lunch at the Boathouse with mummy, daddy, aunty Jess and uncle Chris. Here I am waiting patiently (on daddy's lap - not my own chair - hey this is as patient as I am going to get!) for my lunch.

Having my dessert!
More mummy, I like the pudding bit the best please! "more peees"

Mummy and I sought sanctuary from the freezing cold (what are we going to do when winter hits??) in the Time Warner Centre. This is the view from the Centre.


A week in New York - Part II

View of the Time Warner Centre from our hotel room. This is my favourite spot as I can look out onto the road below and check out the cars. I am showing daddy my spot.
Back at Central Park.. I hope mummy doesn't make me pick up more leaves!! Here we are checking out ducks.
Daddy and I checking out the ice skaters at Central Park.

Making a run for it. We're having lunch with Aunty Jess and Uncle Chris, so don't worry, I know where I am going.

..maybe not. Better count steps back .. four.. four...four

Phew! I found them!


A week in New York - Part I

Relaxing in the hotel here in Manhattan: here I am creating a work of art.
Oooops mummy caught me creating my masterpiece on daddy's important documents. Quick cover up the damage! Well, you shouldn't leave things lying around...
Mummy thought my time may be better spent picking up leaves at Central Park.
Wow... there's a lot of leaves to pick up!
Better get on with it I suppose...
Having a bit of a breather... and posing for a pic at the same time of course!
